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Our Offerings

OnlineKhata™ offers a complete feature-loaded package that promises to take care of all your accounting needs. These unique features and the need-based customised packages will help ease your accounting woes.

Best in Class Reporting
Safe and Secure
Easy to Use
Choice of PackagesAvailableNot availableNot available
PricingFlexiblilty, Pocket-friendly (for service-providers and micro-businesses)
Cheaper at entry-level, no flexibility, costly beyond basicsCheaper at entry-level, no flexibility, costly beyond basics
Free TrialLifetime availability (Android) + 7 days (desktop/webapp)Lifetime availability (Android) + 30 days (desktop)Not available
Platform CompatibilityAllAndroid and WindowsAndroid and Windows
DashboardDynamic StaticNo dashboard
Automated Accounting and Report GenerationAvailable Not availableNot available
Credit and Debit Notes GenerationAvailable Not availableNot available
Inventory ManagementAvailable Available Not available
Staff Management Available with 5 hierarchy optionsNot availableAvailable with 1 hierarchy option
InterfaceSimple, easy to navigateComplicated, difficult to navigateComplicated, difficult to navigate
Customisation and UpdatesAvailable as per customer requirementRoutine update availableRoutine update available
Report generationAvailable for all necessary reports approved by CAAvailable for fewer reportsAvailable for fewer reports
Data Import-ExportAvailableAvailableAvailable
QR CodeAvailableAvailableAvailable
Bar CodeNot availableAvailableAvailable
Payment OptionsCash/cheque/onlineCash/chequeCash/cheque
Tax ManagementAvailableAvailableAvailable
Multiple BusinessesAvailableAvailableNot available
Data SecurityAvailableAvailableAvailable
GST Report and FilingAvailableAvailableAvailable
ThemesAvailableNot availableNot available